Marca: FMB
Modello: MINIMAG 18
Anno: 2007
Nr Serie: 47-161997
Marca: FMB
Modello: MINIMAG 18
Anno: 2007
Nr Serie: 47-161997

Caratteristiche & Attrezzatura

- bar diameter : 0,8 - 18 [mm]
- bar length : 3200 [mm]
- stroller diameter : 15 [mm]
- channel diameter : 18 [mm]
- necessary power : 1,5 [kw]
- loading time : approx. 22 sec (with bar of 3200 mm)
- oil filling : 50 [l]
- viscosity 100 [cSt] at : 40 [°C]
- weight : 500 [kg]
- max. remnant length : 300 [mm]
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